Raritan Public Library
In addition to my duties as IT Specialist, I was tasked with redesigning the Library's website following a 12-year period without a significant update. The old website, a Web 1.0-era design running off of fragments of poorly-maintained HTML and CSS, was completely overhauled using a frontend stack of Parcel, Pug, Stylus, and vanilla JavaScript. I opted to use vanilla JS rather than React or Svelte since the Library's userbase viewed the site on older, slower devices.
Using Google's open-source Lighthouse toolkit, I continuously audited the website to ensure new content was being loaded without issue. I also created a suite of Bash scripts to push updates to the Library's webserver, pre-generate less frequently updated dynamic content using an API, and tabulate monthly statistics based on Apache access logs.
Cardigan is an actively maintained, collaborative volunteer project built for use in StepManiaopen-source Dance Dance Revolution tournaments at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. The app uses a card draw system written in React and TypeScript, and has been used to run tournaments with over 100 participants since 2023. My specific contributions include UI and UX design and functionality, styling using Sass, and full mobile support.
WaffleKani is a privately maintained project. Please contact me to request a copy of source.
WaffleKani is an all-in-one re-tooling of WaniKani and Bunpro, used to teach and strengthen knowledge of the Japanese language. Using the free-to-access datasets from both services as well as additional language-learning sources, the app utilizes SvelteKit for a fast-loading, easy-to-navigate experience for the end user. The app also has a robust dashboard to access all of WaffleKani's features, similar in style to WaniKani's.